7 Brilliant Bar Signage Ideas [Instant Revamp Guaranteed]

bar signage 7 Brilliant Bar Signage Ideas [Instant Revamp Guaranteed]

With the end of all social restrictions finally in sight this month, customers will be flocking to the much-missed hospitality industry.  But how do you make sure that everyone knows that your bar is the place to be this summer?  With great signage, that’s how!

Quality, branded signage arguably makes a bigger difference in the hospitality industry than in any other.  The highly anticipated reopening of your venue is the perfect opportunity to revamp your bar signage.  This will help to attract more customers, and more customers equals more revenue, which, let’s face it, is needed right now!

So, without further ado, here are our top seven bar signage ideas to give your bar a summer facelift.

1. Eye-catching A Boards

Picture the scene.  You’re merrily staggering along on a Friday night after a couple of drinks, chatting to your mates, and taking little notice of the signage above you.

Suddenly, you come upon an A board in your path.  You’re about to walk around it, when you see the words, “Live Music – Friday Night – Top Local Artist!”

You stop to point this out to your friend and discuss whether to go inside.  Just as you’re pondering, you hear the first few notes of Guns and Roses – Sweet Child O’ Mine, and dash inside for a boogie without further discussion!  And that’s how A-boards work!

We can create stunning, eye-catching A boards for all your bar needs.  Whether you’d like to promote your live music, fancy new ales, or your Wednesday night poker tournament, we’re all in. See what we did there?

2. Rustic timber bar signs

There’s little that’s classier than a rustic, wooden sign, and they’re extremely popular right now.  With LED illuminated options to really set your bar apart from neighbouring competition, quirky, natural wood signage can really tie your branding together, particularly if you have bars in multiple locations.

It’s a great idea to use reclaimed wood for your bar signage, as it shows that your company is committed to sustainability.  Aside from this, the retro look is currently very much in fashion.

3. Neon bar signage

Speaking of retro fashion, neon bar signs could be the way to go if you’re after a sign that will really stand out, particularly at night-time.  As light is emitted in all directions from the neon tubes, this gives neon an advantage over LED signage, which can emit light forwards, but not to the rear.

Neon bar signs are a great option for your bar if you’d like to create a lively, fun atmosphere.

4. Projecting bar signage

Once restrictions are lifted, crowds of people will be walking past your bar every day.  Often, especially if they’re passing on the same side of the road as your bar, they may miss it, as they’re too close to notice your main signage.

Projecting bar signage solves this problem.  The addition of double-sided signs that project at a 90 degree angle from your bar will ensure that you’ve got all angles covered for passing trade.

5. Bar window signs

Did you know that it’s a legal requirement that your bar has an etched pattern or decorative film on glass that people may otherwise walk into?  Don’t think of this as another legal hoop you have to jump through – it’s an opportunity!

Vinyline can design and create bespoke, decorative window film that will totally transform the windows and glass doors of your bar.  You could use your logo, slogan or absolutely anything else you’d like.  And don’t worry if you’re stuck for ideas, we’ve got plenty!

6. Quirky Iron Bar Signage

If you’re looking for attractive, durable signage that will set your bar apart, look no further than our stunning iron signs.  We particularly love hanging iron signs, which we feel work best for pubs, but with the right design, any bar could benefit from this classy option.  Add a hanging basket or two in the summer for even more elegance!

Contact us today

So that’s our round up of our current favourite bar signage ideas.  This is by no means an exhaustive list, as Vinyline can produce any kind of internal or external bar sign you can imagine.  Just call 01744 75 66 44 with your ideas or fill in the contact form, and we’ll be happy to help.
